What to Do If You Become Pregnant While Planning Your Wedding

After spending the 2018 wedding season pregnant myself...

I can easily relate to the combination of preparing for a wedding + a baby at the same time! If you find yourself saying “ohhh baby, how is this all going to work out?” have no fear!

We shared our helpful tips for managing your wedding planning while pregnant with Martha Stewart Weddings in “What to do if you Become Pregnant While Planning Your Wedding” by Jenn Sinrich.

Number 5 might below might just be our favorite!

1. Don’t Panic

It might not seem like sunshine and rainbows initially, but often the unexpected surprises are the best surprises. Your initial reaction might lean toward panic, but once you have time to digest the news, realize that you’re in for double the fun with two big life milestones. Congratulations!

2. Assess Your Timeline

Based on when your due date falls in relation to your wedding date, you’ll have some decisions to make. If your wedding is within the next three months, you likely need only minor modifications to your wedding plans. This may include working with your caterer on a pregnancy-safe meal for you and a signature virgin cocktail. And, you may no longer need that final dress fitting (bonus points for extra money saved!).

If your due date and wedding date are uncomfortably close to each other, there are larger implications to consider starting with the decision to postpone or proceed with the wedding. If you’re considering postponing, first check with each of your vendors on any penalties you’d need to pay. Since you’re moving your wedding date and not cancelling, many vendors are likely to accommodate. Notify all family and guests of your date change as soon as you’re comfortable sharing your baby news. If your wedding is a destination wedding, you’ll want to consult with your doctor on safe travel parameters including flying and any known viruses that can negatively impact your pregnancy.

If you prefer to keep the wedding planned as is, focus on finding a wedding dress that can accommodate a growing belly and allow you breathing room to ensure maximum comfort on your wedding day. Consult with your wedding Officiant on incorporating mention of your growing family. If working with a Wedding Planner, leverage their expertise in designing a wedding day timeline without rush, ensuring a more relaxed and manageable day for you.

3. Prioritize

On top of wedding planning, you’re now facing a new priority - a little one! Sit down with your partner to reassess your priorities as it relates to the wedding to create a new, realistic wedding budget. Take another look at your guest list and trim wherever possible. Set a cap on your bar vs hosting an open bar, eliminate the branded wedding favors in exchange for money to purchase a crib, or alter your menu with selections that will trim costs. Take the time to scrutinize each aspect of your wedding day knowing it will help contribute positively to welcoming your babe into the world.

4. Enlist Help

Now more than ever, your closest friends and family are eager to step up and help! Pregnancy can soak up your extra time as you deal with morning sickness, tiredness and the like! To avoid falling behind with wedding planning, make a list of tasks, large or small that can be delegated. We know that delegating can be hard (as many brides-to-be think it’s easier to DIY), but with clear direction and expectations, you can set your help up for success and ease your worry about how everything will get done.

Plus, consider hiring a Wedding Planner or Day-of Wedding Coordinator who is a natural at balancing tricky logistics. A Wedding Planner can help reassess your plans and bring your vision to life, freeing up your time to manage life and baby logistics.

5. Take Time For You

The value of a healthy pregnancy is undeniable. Just as you’d schedule time for doctor’s visits, work and social commitments, schedule time for you. This may include a nap, time for healthy meal prep and grocery shopping, or time to make your favorite prenatal yoga class. This is not the time to be superwoman and try to do it all, but a time to find balance and rest so you are giving your best to baby and wedding planning.


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